My artwork takes inspiration from familiar objects in society that represent cultural identity and consumerism. I examine visual ideas found in consumer products, package

designs, and everyday exploration. Found memorabilia acts like a narrative of human existence, where identity is intertwined with our current consumer status and individual

experiences.  With these ideas, I manifest proof of life to presently say “We are here” in a certain moment in time.


Quantity drowns our capacity to reason and consider the quality of information. #ifitsontheinternetitmustbetrue.


Google Search sets the stage for my current work by allowing me to access images of almost any painting, anywhere, anytime from my home base in Lubbock, Texas. The

seemingly arbitrary nature of how images are paired in internet searches inspires my work. For instance, the search “cezanne” brings forth many of his paintings, but also

others’ tributary paintings, like someone else’s still-life of avocados. As I re-render the images I find on the screen, my mind envisions the parameters of an algorithm weighing

dozens of variables, in comparison to the intense, singular focus of representational painting.